
Mark Lewis is a clean, upstanding citizen with nothing but the best of

intentions. He’s got everything together. He’s got nothing to hide. He’s just like you.

Mark Lewis, a few years ago, before he started going ALL gray...What? It's been a rough couple of years, OK?!

Mark Lewis, a few years ago, before he started going ALL gray…What? It’s been a rough couple of years, OK?!

Why would you doubt that?

He’s a straight-shooter, a real go-getter, a man’s man, and a woman’s man, a man’s woman, and a woman’s woman.

“Gender don’t mean nothing to no worm,” Lewis often says with a laugh, to great annoyance.

He’s written for over 20 years, though – just like his guitar playing – you’d never know it, and he’s fancied himself a ‘writer’ for 15, working 10 of the past 12 years as a real, honest-to-goodness newspaper man, and another two on a Web-mostly sports writing operation, LocalSportsJournal.com.

It’s what he can be found  doing most nights.

By day, Mr. Lewis works as a Virtual Assistant/Client Satisfier at a kickass firm called LongerDays.com, located, AMAZINGLY, in the downtown of his youth, Muskegon, MI.

He has a wife and three children, but that’s all Lewis wants you to know about his family. Beat it, weirdo.

Writing-wise, Lewis has never been too hard on himself; he gave himself until the age of 50 to write something “of any real consequence.” So basically, all you are going to read here is the scribblings of a pre-writing legend, one with a voice soon to be familiar, but not yet having grasped the true flow of his method.



Lewis can be reached here –  thefleetfootedphilosopher@gmail.com .

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